The Fae (Fairies)

When it comes to this subject the legends are vast in amount. These little creatures are still popular to this day.

The earliest legends of fairies date to Western Europe, these little humanoid creatures were the focus of many corrective behavior stories. Like demons, fairies had the ability to "kidnap" or even possess. Children in many cases were told that if you did not behave yourself that the fae would take you away to their world. These little creatures are also the blame for stolen items, pinches, pokes and even scratches. Fairies are also known to be the givers of good luck and fortune, but only when they are appeased. When it comes to a scientific thought process about these little people it is hard to say that they exist. Despite numerous "fairy photos" (Which many of them are known to be double exposures.) There has been no concrete evidence to support the existence of fae. However the legends still persist in the modern day and age. It isn't uncommon within certain circles to find a person blaming fairies for their missing items.