
Were's: Thought of as a person who can change into an animal, but are they real?

Were's are something that are again found in many belief structures. The most common of which is the werewolf. Werewolf stories have been documented all over the world, most commonly in Eastern Europe. The belief that one can change, or has no choice but to change, into an animal is based upon a person's willingness to show their darker side. The "beast" of human nature, so to say. There is a common fear of this. That if one would give into their animal instincts, then they are no better than the beasts around them. But every once in a while there is an urge to harm another human being, for one reason or another. Isn't it easier to blame a beast? Were's are the reflection of what a human being can be, or is. It is a way to personify feelings of anger, and the way a person expresses the anger. I have heard from several friends, that when they get angry they are no longer themselves, that it's like they become a beast.

For More Information google search:

Werewolves, history etc. 


Vampires: Creatures of the night that come to drink the blood of the living...

Every culture has their own version of the vampire. In most Asian countries, the vampire is a demon, sent to earth to punish someone. In Africa, a vampire is very similar to a zombie type creature. In Europe, especially eastern sections the vampire is an undead creature. Someone who has been cursed to walk after death. The vampire legends across the world are based on the fear of blood sucking animals or creatures. The thought of losing one's "life force" is terrifying to say the least. If one loses their blood, they will most surely die. No question about that. However the reality is, that no matter how many people claim that they are real vampires, the undead lords and ladies from forgotten times simply don't exist. There is however in rare cases, a disease that causes a person to crave iron, the easiest way to get the iron they need is in blood. Many persons practicing VAMPIRISM are average people, human, through and through. Though in the past VAMPIRISM was practiced by certain people in the belief that it would keep them young forever. The popularity of the vampire has grown since it's beginnings in small villages, this is due in part to the novels of Anne Rice, and, many movies. 

For More Information google search:

Real Vampires, Historical Vampires, Vampires


Reincarnation: The belief that the soul is reborn as someone new. Energy recycles itself.

The belief in reincarnation is found in many religions across the world, the most famous of which is in the Hindu tradition. This is another way of explaining the belief that energy can never be lost. (Read ghost blog.) But, in reincarnation the energy from the body is directly transferred to newborn body. The person may not remember their former life. Many cases have been studied, the most recent of which involved a police officer who believed that he was the reincarnation of a french painter. He did not know the name of the painter, but was able to recall the paintings in full detail, as well as diary excerpts about things that even the general public wouldn't know. He had never seen the paintings. Nor had he had any previous idea of reincarnation. This case was broadcast on the Sci-Fi channel in the summer of 2006, under heavy analysis, and study, the officer had been told that the only way he could have known that information, is if he had been that person. 

Creationism VRS. Evolution

For too long it has been debated. Are we the children of Dawinism or the product of some all knowing all seeing God? Even though I don't believe that Darwin got it entirely right, how can you deny a 98% genetic link between most humans and the great apes? (This is called the RH factor, that is the main genetic link.) Even though apes and human kind evolved from two separate branches of the ape family, the link is still there. Scientists and Creationists have been fighting for years about it, many creationists want to teach the story of Adam and Eve in the classroom. (Despite the fact this violates the separation of church and state.) I would like to add on the Adam and Eve thing, this is just science at work, if we are the products of Adam and Eve, technically we wouldn't be here today. Because, of disease caused by inbreeding. We would, as the human race have died out. Because the genetic links would be fractured and unable to withstand illnesses. If we would have survived we would end up incredibly mentally disabled and eventually die. (So, for those of you reading this, who believe in creationism and are dating someone, or married, or sleeping with someone, they must be related to you. Because, in order for creationism to work from Adam and Eve alone, we would have to be inbred.) Simple as that. So, even though Darwin didn't get it perfect, I think (In my own opinion.) that he was on to something.

Of What We Know (Disclaimer.)

3/4ths of the world has yet to be discovered. But, despite this, we inhibit ourselves to find the real answers to the questions. The depths of the ocean are still a mystery, as are the many forests and jungles that cover the earth. And with this in mind, we must remember to look at things with open eyes and an open mind. I am not a believer in religion, I am a believer of science and fact. This makes it possible for me to look at things subjectively. Anything is possible, but, how much is probable? This is something I think about daily. However, I am a firm believer is parallel universes. In this (possible)and realistic belief, there could be a reality for things such as ghosts, demons, and monsters to exsist. This is a shade of grey of which there is little evidence, but the scientific possiblity of the existence of another place, is facinating none the less. For those who are firm believers in things of a "supernatural" nature, I will say this, try to keep an open mind, the things you encounter may surprise you!





These beasts have been the subject of nightmares for the better part of forever.

This is in close belief to the concept of demons as well. (Read Demon Blog.) Another way to control a person's behavior through fear of the unknown. Every country, city and village has it's own monster. In Scotland it's Loch Ness, in the African jungles it's Mocele Umbembe. Even animals that where thought not to exist or had died out where considered monsters i.e. the giant squid. This goes without saying, that the monsters of modern times, seem to be more terrifying than those that came before.  Most monster legends began with ancient stories of giant beasts that roamed the earth. (Dinosaurs.) These gained popularity when people would find bones of the creatures. There are many cases in ancient Greece, where a person would start to dig and find a leg bone or a skull, they would take it to the local temple where it was worshiped as the bone of a monster or hero. As time progressed you would hear stories from the local fishermen, or merchants, of sea monsters. (Giant Squid.) Even the Silver Back Gorilla was thought of as nothing but a local monster story when Europeans began to travel to Africa.  As people started to over populate the planet, we began to hear more stories. Especially from those who live close to the wilderness, or wild life.  

For More Information google search:

Monster Quest, Monsters, Dragons, Lake Monsters etc.


Zombies: We all know them, but how well do you know them?

The idea of the zombie derives from Voodoo lore. Voodoo (or Voudou or Vodun) is a much maligned and misunderstood religion; the popular idea of it in the United States and Europe is about as close to the reality as Satanism is to the Catholic church. Anyone using voodoo for evil (a Bokor) is the equivalent of the guys who carry out ceremonies in deserted churches with pentagrams and goat's blood. In any case, zombies do not feature in the original West African voodoo; the idea of a person drained of their soul and forced to obey a master only appeared in the Americas. These we could class as Natural Zombies. If you believe anthropologist Wade Davis, these are created by poisoning the victim with 'zombie powder' which includes puffer fish venom (tetrodotoxin). Supposedly this causes a death-like coma and brain damage which turns the victim into a pliable slaves. These zombies are harmless; you don’t need to shoot them, but watch out for the Bokor who controls them. Then there are Supernatural Zombies, corpses possessed by spirits or demonic powers. If they are animated by angelic spirits (as in the Rime of The Ancient Mariner), then they are here to help. If they are animated by something demonic (as in The Evil Dead), then firearms may be of limited use as they are beyond the laws of nature. Consult your priest, Rabbi, guru or shaman for further advice. However, mostly you're likely to encounter the type of Alien Zombie favored by Geroge Romero. These are reanimated by an extra-terrestrial force; this is an infectious form of zombiedom that seems to be spread via biting. 

For More Information google search:

Zombies, history of Zombies, Voodoo




Most of us don't want to believe that we are alone in the universe. It is selfish of humans to think that the world is theirs alone. Even though we are scared to think that we might not be alone.

We all know Roswell. We all know the X-Files. But, what about the facts? The facts are, we just don't know. There have been numerous reports of this phenomenon throughout history. Most of those occurring in the 1950's and 1960's in America and Europe. Though in recent years most of the cases have been centered around Mexico. The earliest reports of something coming out of the sky, and landing on earth began with the Neanderthals. Cave paintings have shown different types of "astronauts".  Many of the scientists believe that these are the earliest depictions of human created gods. Human beings have been longing to find the answer to an age old question "Are we alone in the universe?" Man has always looked to the sky and thought of the possibility of something up there. Why do you think that people point to the sky when asked "Where is heaven?" The belief of the great being in the sky, or the great beings in the sky, have been with human beings since the beginning. The earliest forms of gods where personifications of the sun, moon, stars, and what humans saw around them. Even the earliest pictures of Christ shows him with a halo made by the sun. The belief of aliens is mostly the work of science fiction, however, despite that, there is a large possibility for something to be out there. Even the bible states:  The Nephilim, the "sons of God", were the Grigori (a class of fallen angels also called the Watchers). Could these be aliens? Who knows?

For more information google search:

UFO Hunters, UFO's, Aliens, History of UFO's



This is a very touchy subject. I know that many of you out there believe in demons. But, this is again another scientific look at something, that terrifies everyone.

Demon stories have been told throughout history, mostly as a means to keep unruly children in line. If a child was bad, you had to scare him/her straight. If you tell a child "If you sneak off like that again, the Jersey Devil is going to get you!" The child is going to believe it! Especially if they are young and impressionable. It is a way to control a person through fear of the unknown. The most famous demon phenomena has surfaced with popular culture, "The Exorcist.", "The Exorcism of Emily Rose." these typically low budget, or minimum budget films picked up where religion and family influence left off. If you asked a typical American person (Christian or not) whether or not they believed in demons, and a vast majority will tell you, no. This is because despite the fact that the demon phenomenon has existed for thousands of years (before Christianity.), it has no real substance in the technologically advanced world. Where many people cannot distinguish good from bad, and the lines are completely blurred. 

Demons still exist in full force (so to say) in non-technological villages and communities across the world. These "Non-Christian" demons are more closely related to poltergeists and angry ghosts. They are said to be the souls of those who died in pain or had been murdered. Mostly, these "spirits" haunt the person that wronged them, and can possess the guilty party. 

In cases of "Demonic Possession" many cases have been found to be people suffering from a mental illness, or physical illness, that makes them behave differently or disturbingly.

For more information google search:

Exorcism, Demons, Demonic Possession etc.



We have all heard of the classic, American ghost story. Haven't we? We are familiar with the terror, and the late nights that come along with it. This is my theory on ghosts, from a scientific perspective.

A human body is full of electro magnetic impulses. They control muscle functions and organ functions. This type of impulse, does not just stop when the body dies. It is scientific fact that energy can never be lost. It can dissipate, but it never truly goes away. These left over impulses can stay in an area up to a month or so. It moves, shifts and becomes part of other electric charges that are found, basically everywhere. Even the earth has an electro magnetic charge. I hate to think that I am bursting some peoples bubbles on that one. But, as I typed, it's only a theory. To me, and others in the scientific community, this seems the most likely option. However, not every case seems to hold this factor. In my research I have found some cases that are quite striking, and unexplainable. These I don't believe are just the energy alone, I feel there may be some emotional emphasis involved. (Orbs are not ghosts. Just wanted to point this out. Orbs are a naturally occurring phenomena. Mostly caused by release of natural gases in the earth. Most orbs that you see in pictures are dust, bugs, or moisture in the lens of the camera. The only reason people see faces in them is because of matrixing. A human being is programmed to look for faces in anything.)

For more information google search: Ghosts/ Real Hauntings. (Look at the evidence.) 

Haunting In Connecticut, Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Essex State Hospital for the Insane etc. Go to the TAPS website, or check out sci-fi.com/ghosthunters