

This is a very touchy subject. I know that many of you out there believe in demons. But, this is again another scientific look at something, that terrifies everyone.

Demon stories have been told throughout history, mostly as a means to keep unruly children in line. If a child was bad, you had to scare him/her straight. If you tell a child "If you sneak off like that again, the Jersey Devil is going to get you!" The child is going to believe it! Especially if they are young and impressionable. It is a way to control a person through fear of the unknown. The most famous demon phenomena has surfaced with popular culture, "The Exorcist.", "The Exorcism of Emily Rose." these typically low budget, or minimum budget films picked up where religion and family influence left off. If you asked a typical American person (Christian or not) whether or not they believed in demons, and a vast majority will tell you, no. This is because despite the fact that the demon phenomenon has existed for thousands of years (before Christianity.), it has no real substance in the technologically advanced world. Where many people cannot distinguish good from bad, and the lines are completely blurred. 

Demons still exist in full force (so to say) in non-technological villages and communities across the world. These "Non-Christian" demons are more closely related to poltergeists and angry ghosts. They are said to be the souls of those who died in pain or had been murdered. Mostly, these "spirits" haunt the person that wronged them, and can possess the guilty party. 

In cases of "Demonic Possession" many cases have been found to be people suffering from a mental illness, or physical illness, that makes them behave differently or disturbingly.

For more information google search:

Exorcism, Demons, Demonic Possession etc.

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