Creationism VRS. Evolution

For too long it has been debated. Are we the children of Dawinism or the product of some all knowing all seeing God? Even though I don't believe that Darwin got it entirely right, how can you deny a 98% genetic link between most humans and the great apes? (This is called the RH factor, that is the main genetic link.) Even though apes and human kind evolved from two separate branches of the ape family, the link is still there. Scientists and Creationists have been fighting for years about it, many creationists want to teach the story of Adam and Eve in the classroom. (Despite the fact this violates the separation of church and state.) I would like to add on the Adam and Eve thing, this is just science at work, if we are the products of Adam and Eve, technically we wouldn't be here today. Because, of disease caused by inbreeding. We would, as the human race have died out. Because the genetic links would be fractured and unable to withstand illnesses. If we would have survived we would end up incredibly mentally disabled and eventually die. (So, for those of you reading this, who believe in creationism and are dating someone, or married, or sleeping with someone, they must be related to you. Because, in order for creationism to work from Adam and Eve alone, we would have to be inbred.) Simple as that. So, even though Darwin didn't get it perfect, I think (In my own opinion.) that he was on to something.

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