

We have all heard of the classic, American ghost story. Haven't we? We are familiar with the terror, and the late nights that come along with it. This is my theory on ghosts, from a scientific perspective.

A human body is full of electro magnetic impulses. They control muscle functions and organ functions. This type of impulse, does not just stop when the body dies. It is scientific fact that energy can never be lost. It can dissipate, but it never truly goes away. These left over impulses can stay in an area up to a month or so. It moves, shifts and becomes part of other electric charges that are found, basically everywhere. Even the earth has an electro magnetic charge. I hate to think that I am bursting some peoples bubbles on that one. But, as I typed, it's only a theory. To me, and others in the scientific community, this seems the most likely option. However, not every case seems to hold this factor. In my research I have found some cases that are quite striking, and unexplainable. These I don't believe are just the energy alone, I feel there may be some emotional emphasis involved. (Orbs are not ghosts. Just wanted to point this out. Orbs are a naturally occurring phenomena. Mostly caused by release of natural gases in the earth. Most orbs that you see in pictures are dust, bugs, or moisture in the lens of the camera. The only reason people see faces in them is because of matrixing. A human being is programmed to look for faces in anything.)

For more information google search: Ghosts/ Real Hauntings. (Look at the evidence.) 

Haunting In Connecticut, Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Essex State Hospital for the Insane etc. Go to the TAPS website, or check out

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